Leaves started with their original blend - a carefully crafted anti-fungal and bloat formula that Jass Stupak, Leaves owner and Certified Holistic Nutritionist (CNP) Community Herbalist, created for herself while doing an anti-fungal cleanse. In 2018, she experienced a severe form of perioral dermatitis after an outbreak of food poisoning. Little did she know that this unwanted gift would ultimately inspire her to create a line of herbal teas that promote wellness and healing.
Jass began researching herbs that could help clear candida and soothe her skin. After weeks of experimentation, she settled on a formula that gave her the support she needed. She began selling her herbal teas to others to support their digestion. From there, with no product based experience or knowledge, Leaves was born! After going back to school in 2021 to study Herbalism in Victoria, BC, she found a new passion for the world of herbal medicine. Since then, she's been creating formulas with the aim of bringing the benefits of this incredible form of medicine to everyone.
Leaves' mission is to simplify gut nourishment with powerful healing herbs while creating a beautiful and soothing experience inspired by everyday wellness.